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let me live with you中文是什么意思

用"let me live with you"造句"let me live with you"怎么读"let me live with you" in a sentence


  • 让我陪伴你


  • I shan t ask you to let me live with you , angel , because i have no right to
  • If you won t let me live with you , i can build a house of my own close up to your door , and you may come and sit in my parlour when you want company of an evening
    要是你不让我同你一起生活,我可以紧靠你的门建造一幢房子,晚上你要人作伴的时候,你可以过来,坐在我的客厅里。 ”
用"let me live with you"造句  
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